1. The buyer is obliged to check the condition of the package when he takes over the goods and, where this mechanical damage is found, he shall write a record of the damage with the carrier. The carrier is responsible for the damage arising from the carriage of the goods. On the basis of a written record of damages incurred during the transport, the buyer will be provided with new goods or a reasonable discount after the occurrence of the damage event.
  2. Claims of goods consisting of mechanical damage to goods which were not apparent when the consignment was taken over shall be applied immediately upon its detection, immediately after the first use of the product. Later claims of this kind will only be recognized if the buyer proves that the defects complained of occurred at the time of its receipt.
  3. Before the first use, the Buyer is required to study the warranty conditions, including instructions for the operation and use of the goods, and thoroughly manage this information.
  4. The warranty on goods does not apply to the normal wear and tear of the item (or parts thereof) caused by use. A shorter service life cannot be considered a fault and this fact cannot be claimed.
  5. Seller is not responsible for defects in goods:
  • caused by mechanical damage to the goods,
  • caused by normal wear, e.g. crazing,
  • goods degraded due to non-compliance with the instructions for due diligence.
  1. When the claim is made, the goods shall be delivered in full.
  2. The goods guarantee is 24 months. The warranty begins with the moment of receipt of the goods by the buyer.




  • Ownership of goods is transferred to the buyer at the moment of taking over the goods at the agreed place.
  • A buyer who does not meet the consumer definition set out in Section 2 písm. a) of the Consumer Protection Act, he/she acquires the ownership of the goods only following the full payment of the entire purchase price for the goods.
  • The risk of damage of the goods is transferred to the buyer at the time the buyer takes over delivery of the goods from the seller or from his agent charged with delivering the goods or when doing so in time when the seller allows the buyer to dispose of the goods and the buyer will not accept the goods.



  1. A buyer who meets the definition of a consumer is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract without giving any reason in accordance with Section 7 and following provisions of Act no. 102/2014 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the “Consumer Protection Act for the Sale at a Distance”) within 14 days of the taking over of the goods where the Seller fulfilled the information obligations in due time and duly in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of the Act on the Protection of Consumers in the Sale at a Distance. The consumer has the right within this time limit to unpack and test the goods in a manner similar to that normally used when buying in a classic “stone” shop to the extent necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods. The consumer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods. Do not try to start using the goods and return it to the seller after a few days.
  2. The buyer may withdraw from the purchase contract that is the purchase of the goods before the commencement of the withdrawal period.
  3. The buyer may not withdraw from the contract in the case of goods made according to the specific requirements of the buyer or goods specifically intended for one buyer or goods that cannot be returned due to their properties.
  4. The buyer is liable for a reduction in the value of the goods resulting from the treatment of goods beyond what is necessary to ascertain the characteristics and functionality of the goods.
  5. Goods shall be returned, including any gifts. Costs of goods’ shipping to the Seller are covered by the Buyer. We do not collect the consignments. Goods shall be returned in their original packaging, unused and undamaged, including accessories (original proof of purchase, warranty card (if included), instructions for use etc.
  6. The seller does not bear any liability for the loss or damage of the consignment.
  7. The seller shall return to the buyer, without undue delay, within 14 days of the date of delivery of the notice of withdrawal, all payments received by him or her in connection with the purchase contract, including the cost of transport, delivery and postage, and other costs and charges.
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